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Magento 2 – How to call any block function in phtml file?

magento block function call

Here We will know, How to call any block function in phtml by simple code in Magento 2

Suppose We have a code as below in any custom module Block file or In any default Vendor Magento Block file


namespace Vendor\Module\Block;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;

class Main extends Template
public function getMyCustomMethod()
return ‘I Am From MyCustomMethod‘;


Sometime we need to call a function from Block file in phtml file. So, we can do it by below code


$blockObj= $block->getLayout()->createBlock(‘Company\Helloworld\Block\Main’);
echo $blockObj->getMyCustomMethod();


That’s how you can call any block function in phtml by simple code in Magento 2
I hope it helps you.
